Approach Holistic for Building Identity National in School,Create a Tolerant Generation and Character


  • Shafa Nur Azwina


Building identity national, tolerant generation, character


Holistic education in Indonesia faces several significant challenges, especially in matter policy which support its implementation. Implementation education holistic requires systemic changes that include teacher training, resource allocation, and change curriculum and system evaluation. This article discuss importance approach holistic in education to build national identity and character of students, which considered crucial in face challenge globalization and diversity culture. Holistic education integrates cognitive, emotional, social and moral aspects, so that students are not only academically intelligent but also have strong character and attitude tolerant. The purpose of this study is to explore the application of holistic education in building national identity and character of students in Indonesian schools, as well as for identify challenge and strategy which required for its implementation. Method which used in study this is studies literature, which aiming for gather and analyze various reference which related with implementation approach holistic in education. Results study show that implementation holistic education in schools has a positive impact, such as improving grades. mark character and involvement social student. However, challenge in its implementation, including lack of training teacher, limitations source power, and resistance to change, still there is. Strategy for apply education holistic covering integration curriculum, active learning methods, teacher training, resource support, involvement person old, evaluation periodic, and build culture school which positive. This article emphasizes the importance of collaboration between government, schools, teachers and parents to create learning environment which support.




How to Cite

Azwina, S. N. (2024). Approach Holistic for Building Identity National in School,Create a Tolerant Generation and Character. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 149–153. Retrieved from


