Implementation of Civic Education in Elementary Schools to Build Awareness of Pancasila Values


  • Zahwa Aulia Syakif Prospective Professional Teachers of the Republic of Indonesia


Pancasila, values, national character, social justice, harmony


Pancasila as the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia contains fundamental values that serve as guidelines in social, national, and state life. This article aims to describe the five principles of Pancasila and their implications for the formation of national character. The first principle, "Belief in One Almighty God," emphasizes the importance of spirituality and tolerance between religious communities. The second principle, "Just and Civilized Humanity," encourages respect for human dignity and social justice. The third principle, "Unity of Indonesia," emphasizes the importance of unity and harmony in diversity. The fourth principle, "Democracy Guided by the Wisdom of Deliberation/Representation," emphasizes the importance of community participation in decision-making. Finally, the fifth principle, "Social Justice for All Indonesian People," demands a fair distribution of welfare. Through the application of Pancasila values, it is hoped that a harmonious, just, and civilized society will be created. This study uses qualitative methods with document analysis and interviews to gain an in-depth understanding of the relevance of Pancasila in a modern context. The results of the study show that the values of Pancasila are still very relevant and can be implemented to face the challenges of globalization and social problems in Indonesia.




How to Cite

Syakif, Z. A. (2024). Implementation of Civic Education in Elementary Schools to Build Awareness of Pancasila Values. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 324–327. Retrieved from


