Religion, Culture and SocietyAbstract
The relationship between religion, culture and society is a very important system of life because they are interrelated with one another. However, the question of religion and social development is not complete from a single point of view. Therefore, a holistic approach must be taken when considering social issues. Research is needed, for example on the sociology of religion and so on. This means that the study of the religious life of a society is incomplete without a sociology: sociological statistical observers do not assess the relevance of religion. Every nation or group that really follows the message of their respective religions, harmony, brotherhood, peace and comfort in social life will naturally be realized. Because religion forbids truth and goodness and keeps away from all evil, controversy, suspicion, etc. Religious life is about the embodiment of one's religious attitudes, mindset, behavior or attitudes and outlook on life, as well as the ability to belong to other people of different religions as servants of God Almighty. Religion was created as a guideline for human life by God Almighty throughout life. Meanwhile, culture is a way or way of life created by humans themselves as a result of creation, taste and purpose given by God. Religion and culture influence each other. Religion influences culture, social groups, and ethnic groups. This culture tends to change in every person or group who really lives according to the mandate of their religion so that harmony, peace and comfort are realized naturally in social life.
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