Civil Law Analysis
Payment Default, Civil Law, Health Services.Abstract
This Study his aim for identify and analyze legal rights to home sick in face default payment by the patient, as well explore solution effective and efficient law. Method used in study this is approach normative, with analyze regulation legislation related matters, jurisprudence, and literature academic. Secondary data collected through studies bibliography that includes analysis document law, articles journals, and books relevant law. Approach this possible for get deep understanding about principle law applicable civil law and its application in context default payment service health. Research result show that House Sick own base strong law for sue default payment service health based on the Civil Code and Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health. However , it was also found that there is challenge in practice, incl consideration ethical and social that can be influence decision House Sick For take step law. The analysis also highlights importance mechanism solution dispute alternative for finish problem default payment in a way more efficient and with consider aspect humanity. Based on results research, it is recommended that the house Sick consider in a way Be careful aspect legal, ethical, and social before take step law to patients who default. In addition, it is recommended that the house sick and parties related develop clear policy about payment service health, as well promote use mechanism solution dispute alternative. Lastly, it is required there is legal reform for clarify rights and obligations House sick and patients, as well for facilitate solution default payment service health with fair and effective way.
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