Regulation and Legal Impact of Herbal Medicine Products in the Effort to Fulfill Health Rights in Indonesia


  • Dian Kurnia Dewi Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia
  • Sumarno


Legal Protection , Patients , Treatment Traditional


Indonesia is a country rich in biodiversity and has a strong tradition of using medicinal plants. In the context of fulfilling health rights in Indonesia, herbal medicine is an important alternative that warrants attention. This article discusses the regulation and legal impact of herbal medicine products in the effort to fulfill health rights in Indonesia, focusing on regulation, supervision, research and development, and public education. In the effort to fulfill health rights through the regulation of herbal medicine products, the government needs to strengthen existing regulations, particularly in terms of testing, certification, and licensing. Enhancing the capacity for supervising herbal medicine products, both in terms of human resources and equipment, is crucial to ensure the safety and quality of these products. Continuous promotion of research and development for herbal medicines is essential to create innovative products that are safe and highly efficacious. Education and socialization to the public regarding herbal medicines are also key aspects in the effort to fulfill health rights. Proper education can help the public understand the benefits, side effects, and correct usage of herbal medicines. In terms of law enforcement, the government needs to strictly and consistently enforce laws against violations in the herbal medicine industry and enhance collaboration among stakeholders to create a conducive environment for the growth of a healthy and high-quality herbal medicine industry. By implementing the strategies outlined, it is expected that the regulation and legal impact of herbal medicine products in Indonesia can be improved. This will contribute to the effort to fulfill public health rights, increase trust in herbal medicine products, and ensure that the public can utilize safe and quality herbal medicine products to maintain their health.


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How to Cite

Dian Kurnia Dewi, & Sumarno. (2024). Regulation and Legal Impact of Herbal Medicine Products in the Effort to Fulfill Health Rights in Indonesia. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 21–25. Retrieved from