A Doctor's Responsibility Towards a Patient for Allegations of Medical Malpractice Reviewed from a Civil Law Perspective


  • Haryono Linoh Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia
  • Tamaulina Br Sembiring


Medical Malpractice, Civil Law, Doctor's Responsibility.


In the context of civil law, physicians' responsibilities towards patients, particularly in cases of alleged medical malpractice, attract significant attention. The background of this research focuses on the analysis of the civil legal framework that regulates the relationship between doctors and patients, with particular emphasis on how the law determines the responsibilities of doctors in malpractice cases. The research method used is document analysis, through in-depth study of the Civil Code (KUH Perdata), as well as legal interpretation and relevant principles related to medical practice and medical malpractice. The research results show that the Civil Code provides a strong basis for handling medical malpractice cases, by emphasizing the need for high standards of care, informed consent, and protecting patient rights. Proposed recommendations include increasing legal awareness among medical professionals regarding their legal responsibilities, as well as the need for a more comprehensive medical education system that integrates the legal aspects of medicine. This research underscores the importance of the civil law framework in ensuring ethical and responsible medical practice, as well as in protecting patients' rights.


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How to Cite

Haryono Linoh, & Tamaulina Br Sembiring. (2024). A Doctor’s Responsibility Towards a Patient for Allegations of Medical Malpractice Reviewed from a Civil Law Perspective. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 26–30. Retrieved from https://journal.berpusi.co.id/index.php/POE/article/view/800