Study of International Legal Protection of Medical Personnel in Times of War


  • Edy Syahputra Lubis Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia


Medical Personnel, War, IHL, ICRC, Geneva Convention


This research aims to discuss the status quo of medical personnel in war and comprehensively analyze legal protection policies for medical personnel on the battlefield. The research carried out there is in the normative juridical realm, which includes analysis of written law, jurisprudence and norms that apply in society. The approach is descriptive-analytical, intended to collect systematic, factual and accurate data regarding a problem based on applicable laws and regulations and legal norms. The results of this research show that medical personnel are neutral parties who carry out their duties in the name of humanity, so they must be respected and receive comprehensive legal protection. Violations of IHL, especially attacks on health facilities and medical personnel, are serious crimes (war crimes), so the perpetrators must be dealt with firmly. Policies for legal protection for medical personnel include: the use of special symbols, increasing the understanding of the wider community, especially the military, regarding the legal protection of medical personnel, as well as strengthening the integrity and political will for the legal protection of medical personnel on the battlefield.


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How to Cite

Edy Syahputra Lubis. (2024). Study of International Legal Protection of Medical Personnel in Times of War. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 53–56. Retrieved from