Hospital Responsibility for The Implementation of Digitalization in The Delivery of Health Services


  • Noviati Sri Racha Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
  • Sri Nurhayati


Digitalization Health, Accountability House Ill, Data Security


The era of digitalization bring potency big in increase quality service health. However, it can be implemented at home Sick bring up challenge related with accountability, incl patient data security And equality access. This study aim for evaluate accountability House Sick in application digitalization service health, identify obstacles faced, andoffer recommendation For enhancement. Use approach descriptive analytics, research Tthis collect data via review literature, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and studies case. Analysis done with method categorize and evaluate information for interesting conclusion about practice accountability in digitalization service health. Findings show that although digitalization offer enhancement efficiency and accessibility service health, still there is lack in mechanism accountability, esp in management and patient data protection. Limitations in policy and existing regulations also influence effectiveness implementation digitalization. This study conclude that there is need urge for strengthen accountability House Sick in application digitalization service health. Required framework work more regulations strong and comprehensive for ensure data security and privacy patient protected. It is recommended that the house Sick develop And apply standard security strict information, as well strengthen cooperation with party authorized for renew and perfect regulations related digitalization service health. Enhancement awareness and training for staff House Sick about importance data security too becomekey in increase accountability.


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How to Cite

Noviati Sri Racha, & Sri Nurhayati. (2024). Hospital Responsibility for The Implementation of Digitalization in The Delivery of Health Services. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 57–64. Retrieved from