Legal Analysis of Patient Data Management Through Electronic Medical Records (RME) in Anugerah Medical Laboratory: Desires and Reality


  • Edisa Putra Ginting Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia


Electronic Medical Records, Patient Data Management, Legal Regulations, Anugerah Medical Laboratory, SATU SEHAT


This research aims to analyze the legal aspects related to managing patient data through the Electronic Medical Record (RME) system at the Anugerah Medical Laboratory, with a focus on the gap between the ideals of implementing the RME system and the reality that occurs in the field. The approach used in this research is sociological juridical, which allows researchers to not only understand the applicable legal regulations but also observe the real application of these regulations in the practice of managing patient data at the Anugerah Medical Laboratory. Research methods include literature studies related to regulations and standards for managing electronic medical records in Indonesia, as well as analysis of the implementation of the RME system by the Anugerah Medical Laboratory, especially collaboration with the Byosis vendor which has not been registered as an integrated system provider partner with SATUSEHAT. The research results show that there is a discrepancy between the regulatory standards set by the Ministry of Health and the practice of managing patient data through RME in the laboratory. The conclusions of this study emphasize the importance of compliance with legal regulations to ensure the security, confidentiality and integrity of patient data. It is recommended that the Anugerah Medical Laboratory evaluate and adjust the RME system used, including considering collaboration with vendors who are registered and integrated with SATU SEHAT, to achieve an integrated and efficient health system. This research provides insight into the importance of integration and compliance with legal standards in managing electronic medical records, as well as highlighting the challenges faced by health facilities in implementing information technology in the health sector.


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How to Cite

Edisa Putra Ginting. (2024). Legal Analysis of Patient Data Management Through Electronic Medical Records (RME) in Anugerah Medical Laboratory: Desires and Reality. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 65–70. Retrieved from