Legal Analysis of Doctors' Authority in Cosmetic Manufacturing
Mixed Cosmetics; Beauty clinic; Doctor; Consumer protectionAbstract
This research aims to find out about the regulations for dispensing cosmetics in Indonesian law. This is related to the use of cosmetics which has become a part and cannot be separated from human life. Cosmetics are used as care products to maintain health and beautify oneself, the development of cosmetics is also very fast. This is proven by the emergence of various types of cosmetics, ranging from traditional cosmetics that use natural ingredients to modern cosmetics made with today's advanced technology. With this diverse choice, cosmetic consumers prefer cosmetic products formulated by doctors at beauty clinics on the basis of feeling comfortable and safe in their use. However, in its development, a doctor's authority has been questioned in dispensing cosmetics. If the cosmetics prepared by the doctor cause harm to consumers, what can consumers do? This research is normative research. The result of this research is that doctors do not have the authority to mix cosmetics. The cosmetic compounding process may only be carried out by pharmaceutical personnel consisting of Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Technical Personnel. So, if consumers feel they have been harmed, they can file a lawsuit claiming an unlawful act, which is based on the Consumer Protection Law.
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