Juridical Analysis of Negligence in Health Services by Health Personnel Reviewed from Law Number 17 of 2023 Concerning Health
Medical crime, Medical Personnel, Dispute ResolutionAbstract
This study aim for analyze juridical negligence in service health by energy health, with focus on implementation Constitution Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health. In context enhancement demands accountability and quality service health, negligence by energy health become issue important that is needed review deep, esp related with implications laws established by law latest this. Methodology this study use approach juridical normative, with study documents law, incl Constitution Number 17 of 2023, regulations related others, as well relevant literature. Analysis done through studies document for understand standard applicable law to negligence medical and how Constitution the influence practice power health in provide service. Research result show that Constitution Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health provides framework more laws clear and strict related with accountability power health on negligence in service health. This matter covers affirmation about penalty the law can given to power negligent health result wound heavy or death patient. This study is also a find that there is need for rule law more derivatives detailed for give clarity about definitions, parameters, and procedures evaluation negligence. Conclusions of this study is that Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health is step proceed in increase accountability and quality service health. However, for effective implementation, is required development and implementation rule explanatory derivative in a way detailed about negligence medical. Suggestions put forward covers preparation rule derivative the with involve various holder interests, incl association profession health, institutions education, and groups patient, for ensure that rule the fair, practical, and supportive enhancement service health
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