Change Behavior of Health Workers in the Digital Era


  • Putro Suci Rizky Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia


Digital devices, energy medical, digitalization


In the era after the Covid-19 pandemic occurred shift style significant life specifically in utilization digital technology. Utilization digital technology does not only limited on means information and communication just but also penetrate on service health. There's that Lots type service previous health only Can given by power medical Nowtaken switch by digital device, start from inspection pressure blood, examination pulse pulse, even until on inspection rate sugar, cholesterol, and level sour tendon . Massive use the digital device slow gradually potential give rise to change behavior of the staff medical. If change behavior That positive so matter the show that digitalization in the sector service health walk in accordance hope, will but If changes that occur negative so that become precedent bad for digitalization world health.On the other hand, roles conventional power medical felt  Still very vital, moreover again  health is side important in handling life still must accompanied by power loaded human with empathy. Use digital devices on a massive scale must still under control power professional so that aspect technical can still followed by non-technical aspects. This studywant to reveal change behavior that arises on power medically caused by presence digitalization. This study is study qualitative descriptive with approach bibliography. Data collection was carried out with gather material reading and regulation applicable legislation. Analysis done with use analysis evaluation impact.


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How to Cite

Putro Suci Rizky. (2024). Change Behavior of Health Workers in the Digital Era. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 108–113. Retrieved from