Juridical Analysis of Legal Protection for Doctors Who Become Victims of Persecution While Providing Health Services in Indonesia According to Law No. 17 Of 2023 (Health Law 2023)
Legal Protection for Doctors, Abuse, Defending DoctorsAbstract
The aim of this research is to obtain a juridical analysis of legal protection for doctors who experience abuse while providing health services in Indonesia according to Law no. 17 of 2023. This research method uses normative legal research, related to regulations and academic literature to examine the law as an applicable norm or rule and its implications in providing legal protection for doctors who experience abuse when providing health services in Indonesia. This analysis shows that Law no. 17 of 2023 includes a fairly comprehensive legal framework regarding legal protection for doctors who experience abuse while providing health services in Indonesia. However, there are several challenges in its implementation. The maximum fine for the perpetrators of abuse against doctors according to the Criminal Code is quite little. The courts need to provide harsher laws for perpetrators to provide a deterrent effect and make other people who want to abuse doctors think twice before acting. This research provides important insights into current policies and practices in protecting doctors from abuse, as well as offering recommendations for the punishment for the perpetrators.
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