Recovery Right and Authority Profession Post Penalty Assembly Honor Ethics Medical


  • Topan Goesdar Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia


Recovery, Rights and Authorities, Post-Sanctions


Indonesian society needs quality medical services that are not only based on the availability of up-to-date medicines and equipment as well as qualified knowledge and skills, but also the intrinsic value of the noble profession of medicine which is very important, namely the crystallization of noble medical ethical values ​​that are embodied by all individual doctors to their patients. and the wider community. Therefore, the intrinsic value of noble medical ethics must always be carved and carved beautifully, in the form of social-professional control for each individual doctor so that they display the nobility of ethics and professional behavior consistently in their daily lives. However, in order for the atmosphere of professional spirituality to be maintained and professional fraternity to be well maintained, doctors need to have a sense of belonging, comfort, and obtain justice that applies at the time that ethical sanctions and post-sanctions are determined for them. It often happens that doctors who are given ethical sanctions such as having their careers hampered, having a gloomy future, and after undergoing sanctions they fail to experience a professional work atmosphere that is the same or better than the situation before the doctor was sanctioned. This kind of portrait must end, one of which is by MKEK making a breakthrough in restoring the rights and authority of the profession after sanctions which can guarantee that doctors will return to being comfortable, happy, happy and full of positive motivation when they are declared to have finished undergoing ethical sanctions.This research adopts a normative juridical method, which focuses on analysis of statutory regulations, policy documents and legal literature relevant to the research. This approach was chosen to explore the legal framework that regulates. Analysis was carried out through collecting secondary data sourced from statutory regulations, jurisprudence, government policy documents, scientific journal articles, books and other sources related to the research subject. This approach allows researchers to understand and interpret the legal framework comprehensively, as well as analyze its implications for the restoration of professional rights and authority following sanctions from the Medical Ethics Honorary Council. This research discusses the restoration of professional rights and authority following the sanctions of the Medical Ethics Honorary Council and the Empowerment of the MKEK Development Division through proactive work and providing sanctions in the form of guidance. Restoring the rights and authority of the profession after sanctions is an important step for the Medical Ethics Honorary Council (MKEK) to achieve this goal, as well as returning the productivity of doctors who were given sanctions to be the same or even better than before the sanctions. It is proposed that five steps can be taken by MKEK and need to be elaborated in the narrative in the MKEK Organization and Work Procedure Guidelines to ensure that the recovery process goes well, namely (1) clearly stating the start and end date of sanctions in the MKEK decision, (2) providing information to colleagues involved. given MKEK sanctions regarding the policy of restoring the rights and authority of this profession at the hearing of the MKEK decision, (3) issuing a preliminary notification to the agency where the respondent doctor works before the end of the sanction period, (4) immediately issuing a letter of restoration of post-sanction rights and authority on the end date of the sanction, and (5) states that the history of MKEK sanctions must not be a reason to limit, hinder, or kill careers in the medical profession, service in professional and community organizations, as well as political and government positions.


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How to Cite

Topan Goesdar. (2024). Recovery Right and Authority Profession Post Penalty Assembly Honor Ethics Medical. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 161–165. Retrieved from