Form and Legal Implications of Devotion of Authority for Medical Actions to Nurses in Health Services
Legal Implications, Delegation of Authority, Nurses, Medical ProceduresAbstract
After the passing of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health, there is Article 290 which regulates the delegation of authority in health services. However, it is not explained what actions can be delegated to nursing staff in the form of delegation and what actions can be delegated in the form of mandates. The method in this research is normative research with a statutory approach. Based on the results of an investigation into Law Number 17 of 2023, it is explained that the form of delegation of authority to nursing staff can be delegative or mandated. To find out the form of delegative delegation, you can refer to Minister of Health Regulation Number 26 of 2019 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 38 of 2014 concerning Nursing. Delegative delegation of authority can only be granted to professional nurses or trained vocational nurses, according to the Minister of Health Regulation. These nurses are competent to install intravenous lines, inject medications, administer basic immunizations, and perform any other medical actions that may be required. Additionally, the nurse's competency determines the kinds of medical interventions that fall within the delegation of power by mandate, which may include administering parenteral treatment, suturing wounds, and other similar tasks. Delegation of medical authority from doctors to nurses affects the legal responsibilities of nurses. Although the primary responsibility remains with the doctor, nurses can also be involved in legal liability if something goes wrong. Therefore, nurses need to ensure adequate legal protection and understand the limits of authority granted.
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