Analysis of International Network Narcotics Cases (Thailand-Indonesia) Reviewed from a Transnational Crime Perspective


  • Rio Aginta Ginting Program Study Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Sosial Sains, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Narcotics, Transnational Crime, Law Enforcement Mechanisms


The global threat of narcotics or drug abuse has become an alarming spotlight throughout the world, posing a serious threat to humanity from local to global levels. Indonesia, as part of this reality, is also at the forefront of facing a wave of increasing narcotics use from year to year. The rapid growth and widespread spread of narcotics abuse has been accelerated by technological advances, enabling efficient communication between users, dealers and suppliers via online platforms. This phenomenon creates new variations in the narcotics market and encourages massive commercialization, with the narcotics trade turning into a complex and large network, supported by large capital and transnational organizations known as 'transnational organized crime'.Indonesia, as a country with a vulnerable archipelago, is in a complicated position in responding to cross-border narcotics trafficking. Law enforcement mechanisms, such as Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) and extradition treaties, are important in pursuing perpetrators operating in different countries' sovereign territories. Case studies regarding narcotics trafficking cases between Indonesia and Thailand show the complexity of cross-border law enforcement and the importance of international cooperation in fighting transnational crime. With an approach that involves legal principles, international cooperation and relevant regulations, law enforcement efforts can be carried out effectively, even though they face challenges in the context of crimes that cross national borders.


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How to Cite

Rio Aginta Ginting. (2024). Analysis of International Network Narcotics Cases (Thailand-Indonesia) Reviewed from a Transnational Crime Perspective. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 202–206. Retrieved from