Protection for Witnesses of Transnational Crimes


  • Adillah Fajar Siddiq Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Irfan Faisal Barus


Protection Witnesses, Transnational Crimes


Protection for witness crime transnational must can given, in order witness feel safe and protected in give testimony in the inspection and also in the trial, because crime transnational is big crime​ and can defiling image country, then from that perpetrator crime transnational must tried and punished in accordance the articles that have been arranged in the constitution country because from on that presence witness very required for give testimony. The focus on challenges faced​ by witness in give testimony in case crime transnational and strategy for increase protection they. With analyze studies case and framework law international, journal this identify steps concrete that can be taken by government, institutions international, and public civil for ensure safety and safety of witnesses. This will possible identification differences, similarities, as well influencing factors​ its effectiveness.  Population this study is witness crime transnational that has been get protection from governments in countries certain. Sample will chosen purposively, choose witnesses who have significant experience​ with system protection.


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How to Cite

Adillah Fajar Siddiq, & Muhammad Irfan Faisal Barus. (2024). Protection for Witnesses of Transnational Crimes. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 212–214. Retrieved from