Juridical Review of Hospital Licensing in The Era of Digitalization in Indonesia
Licensing, digitalization, objectives law, hospital.Abstract
This moment is in the era of digitalization, technical maintenance licensing has use application based our electronics know with OSS, Online Single submission with objective for convenience access and speed fulfillment document integrated requirements until to center or national. although so, service licensing in the era of digitalization still leaving long problem because glance just displacement from offline to online system. Establishment hospital also must get protection law and not quite enough answer legal order juridical hospital can operate task and his service in a way safe and protected. This matter in accordance with objective law health that is certainty law, protection law and justice. This article is type article science descriptive review from some literature and study theoretical with compare to study theoretical previously then analyzed and the results, which are delivered in form narrative. Still required regulation addition related house pain, sanctions and so on who have coherence and synchronization one with others who protect right and obligation all party in accordance with objective law that is certainty law , justice and expediency as well as with appropriate system with the era of digitalization that provides convenience access service public.
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