Dimensions Study Law Ethics Health Hospital in Era Industry 4.0
Dimensions, Study Law, Home Pain , Industrial Era 4.0Abstract
Law is something tool countries that have objective for put things in order, reconcile, and organize life something nation to achieve it something justice and balance between right And obligation. Development technology no can denied has change life people man fromeach era. Every day life we tangent with technology , okay that telephone handheld, social media or even equipment house ladder. Revolution industry 4.0 can unite digital world and physique as well as offer opportunity new for collect, distribute and use information. This matter potential for increase efficiency and push innovation in scale big in the company. According to Savitri (2019) with appearance revolution industry 4.0 will lots technology help jobs man for increase production in the company, as well can speed up the work process and maximize hours in work including on hospital. This study use approach juridical normative which is conducted through collection of sourced secondary data from regulation legislation, jurisprudence, documents policy government, articles journal scientific, books, and other related sources with subject study. This study discuss about how understanding law, ethics hospital health and Revolutionary Era industry 4.0, how impactand challenge from era revolution industry 4.0 in field health, and howmethod face challenge law ethics health in revolutionary era industry4.0. Results study studied that Revolution Industry 4.0 is phenomenonWhich collaborate technology cyber And technology automation.Revolution industry 4.0 is known also with the term " cyber physical system ". draft its implementation centered on automation. Helpedtechnology information in process its application, involvement powerman in the process can reduce. With thereby, effectiveness and efficiencyon something environment work with itself increase. In world industry,this matter impact significant on quality work and cost production.However actually, not only industry, all over layer public also can getbenefit general from this system; found also that is check -up medicalpossible for can done in house inhabitant alone with comfortable.Besides that, public isolated can get maintenance medical throughtelemedicine. Combination technology physics, digital and biologyincluding pill for arrange release drug, robot Which respond thought patient as well as psychotherapy in a way virtual reality can combined in something application medical in future. However, opinion UNI Europedisclose that around 38% executive health believe that they enough forrevolution industry 4.0. This matter imply that effort provider servicehealth for integrate revolution industry 4.0 to in habit life they need improved. If provider service health no visit ready, role and businessthey will taken switch by troops from startups digital; existence IT in erarevolution industry 4.0 like sword eyed tw , on one side give great opportunity good Because help in face various problem health, so healthpublic must realized moreover formerly by public that alone besides depend on knowledge medical and nursing as well as development pharmacy ; how to deal challenges in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, namely progress technology must balanced with adaptive, collaborative, regulation uphold tall ethics, education to society, profession health as well as regulators.
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