Legal Analysis of The Role of Social Media As a Means of Health Promotion
Social Media, Health Promotion, legislationAbstract
The use of social media in health promotion efforts is a means of distributing health information to the public in an effort to improve health quality. But how is the role of social media in health promotion according to the applicable laws and regulations? This research discusses the extent of the role of social media in health promotion when viewed from legislation. In this research the author uses normative legal research methods using legal sources from primary legal materials in the form of health law legislation and secondary legal materials in the form of books and articles on information technology. The conclusion obtained in this paper is that Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health, Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE has not regulated the implementation of health promotion through social media so in this case there is a need to synergize regulations in the use of social media facilities in health promotion efforts to achieve the highest level of health.
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