Juridical Analysis of Anesthesian Responsibility for Alleged Negligence Towards Patients in Pre- Operation


  • Romulus Pandapotan Sianipar Panca Budi Development University
  • Ismaidar
  • Rahmayanti


Juridical analysis, liability, anesthesiologist, negligence


Errors and negligence committed by health workers in carrying out their profession are not in accordance with professional standards and standard operational procedures or a term better known as Malpractice, as a result of these errors or negligence patients suffer serious injuries, disabilities, and even death. This research is included in library research, so it takes and processes data from library sources such as books and journals related to this research. The approach used in this research is normative legal research (normative juridical) or doctrinal research. The data collection method for this research is the documentation method, namely data collected from sources, such as Ministry of Health Regulation No. 18 of 2016 and others. The analysis used in this research is a content analysis technique, which is a technique used to analyze the content of written information with the aim of drawing conclusions from the information being analyzed. This research shows that the Anesthesiologist's responsibility for alleged negligence can be punished if he is proven to have committed such negligence. However, of course it must go through existing mechanisms such as a hearing at the Ethics Council or hospital management and in the author's opinion, crime is the last option in resolving a problem, there is the option of mediation and so on there.


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How to Cite

Romulus Pandapotan Sianipar, Ismaidar, & Rahmayanti. (2024). Juridical Analysis of Anesthesian Responsibility for Alleged Negligence Towards Patients in Pre- Operation. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 281–287. Retrieved from https://journal.berpusi.co.id/index.php/POE/article/view/886