Malpractices and Negligence That are Legal Issues and Problems in Service Practices Health in The Hospital


  • Taufik Haryadi Program Studies Masters Law Health University Development Panca Budi Medan


Malpractice, Negligence, Issue, Legal Problems


Although medical malpractice is not a new phenomenon in the Indonesian world, however, handling medical malpractice cases is confusing to some extent. The lack of a statutory definition of medical malpractice creates confusion as to how to handle it. This paper aims to outline the concept of medical malpractice and its implications. In addition, any misconceptions regarding medical malpractice liability will also be evaluated. This normative legal research relies on secondary data and employs both legal and comparative approaches. It was found that there were misconceptions about medical malpractice in Indonesia. Misunderstandings do not occur only among lay people, but also among academics and law enforcement agencies. This misunderstanding leads to confusion about how to establish medical malpractice liability.




How to Cite

Haryadi, T. (2024). Malpractices and Negligence That are Legal Issues and Problems in Service Practices Health in The Hospital. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 298–304. Retrieved from