Law Enforcement Against Act Criminal Environment with Progressive Law


  • Ade Muhammad Firman Program Study Panca Budi Development University, Medan


Law enforcement, environment, progressive law


Various effort enforcement law environment and forestry keep going done throughout 2022. However, commitment and consistency enforcement law environment this can threatened because a number provision in the criminal code or the new criminal code, however pollution and damage environment in indonesia from year to year its accumulation always increases and tends no can under control, like damage and fire forest, flooded at times season rain, and drought at times season another drought fackor natural can happen consequence exists deed criminal matters in the field necessary environment enforced in a way law. With thus, existence follow criminal environment fully depending on other laws. Condition sort of that reasonable, however remember how importance environment a healthy and good life, and his position as follow criminal economy as well as complexity protected interests above, both in nature anthropocentric nor ecocentric, then provision special (specific crimes) necessary be equipped with follow criminal environmental nature general and independent regardless from other laws are named generic crime or core crimes. This study use method normative juridical. This study discuss and study about how criminal law instruments in environment; is factor affecting environmental law enforcement; How environmental law enforcement with progressive law. Discussion result in this study show that Change law environment become Republic of Indonesia Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environment Already reflect enforcement good law, but still just there is obstacles that are not can be avoided in straighten up law. For that required enforcer law that has good mental and spiritual so as not to unsteady and affected nuances whatever in straighten up law. Factor damage natural environment that has been damaged by parties who do not responsible answer no only just common actions but is problem existing morality no controlled by supervision law. Whereas what is being done apparatus enforcer law with law progressive must accompanied just in frame operate mandate law progressive in enforcement law.


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How to Cite

Firman, A. M. (2024). Law Enforcement Against Act Criminal Environment with Progressive Law. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 331–337. Retrieved from