Multicultural Education in Increase Social Awareness and Empathy Among Student Elementary School


  • Renni Ramadhani Lubis Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia
  • Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum
  • Supartinah


Multicultural, awareness​ social, empathy


This study motivated by the importance of increase awareness social and empathy among​ student school basic, with understand and appreciate differences, students can develop attitude tolerance and inclusion. With existence background this , then objective study namely : (a) for identify and analyze the most effective methods and strategies in implementation education multicultural in schools base for increase awareness social and empathy students; (b) for evaluate changes that occur in awareness social and empathy student after follow an educational program multicultural, as well as identify contributing factors​ to change those. Types this study that is systematic literature review. Search literature done with using electronic database such as: Scopus, Google Scholar, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), and IEEE Explore with using keywords​ namely multicultural, awareness social, and empathy. There is ten relevant articles​ with keywords in research​ this, this articles published in 2022 to​ with 2024. Based on results study known that implementation education multicultural in schools base have potential big for increase awareness social and empathy students. Effective methods and strategies, such as learning based on projects and uses material that reflects diversity, proven push interaction positive between student from background behind different. Besides that, evaluation to changes that occur after following a multicultural education program shows significant increase in awareness​ social and empathy students. Factors that contribute in change including, among others that is interaction direct with friend peers, teacher support and parental involvement play role important in increase awareness social and empathy students. In comprehensive, research this highlight importance multicultural education as means for create the next generation tolerant and aware will difference.




How to Cite

Lubis, R. R., Dwiningrum, S. I. A., & Supartinah. (2024). Multicultural Education in Increase Social Awareness and Empathy Among Student Elementary School. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2). Retrieved from