Journal of Community Service For Indonesian Society 2024-08-23T03:29:22+07:00 Admin Editor Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Community Service for Indonesian Society is a journal that publishes scientific works and initiatives in the field of community service, of course this journal focuses on concepts such as training, significant understanding of the use of the surrounding environment, then also Journal of Community Service for Indonesian Society publishes scientific works in the framework of literature study methodology as part of the references outlined in scientific paper writing.</p> Training in Educative Games Based on Malay Culture for Students' Indonesian Language Learning for Primary School Teachers 2024-08-23T03:29:22+07:00 Renni Ramadhani Lubis <div> <pre>The aim of this training is to help teachers create teaching materials that not only educate, but also introduce students to the richness of their culture, thereby improving the learning experience and strengthening knowledge of Indonesian among elementary school students. This training was carried out in the form of educational game training based on Malay culture. The training was held at SD Negeri 050708 Kampung Teluk on Tuesday, 16 July 2024, which started at 08.00 - 16.00 Wib. There were 25 participants who took part in the training, the participants consisted of 2 speakers and 23 teachers from SD Negeri 050708 Kampung Teluk. The methods used in training activities are the friendly method, practice and discussion. Meanwhile, the steps for implementing training activities are: (a) preparation stage, (b) implementation stage, (c) monitoring stage. This training has been carried out well in accordance with the expectations of the service team and partner schools. After completing the training, the service team distributed questionnaires to the participants, which aimed to find out to what extent the participants understood the material about educational games based on Malay culture that had been explained by the presenters. From the overall results of the questionnaire consisting of 10 statements that were filled in by the participants, it was found that the average percentage was 963.35%, so it can be concluded that the participants were very interested and enthusiastic in taking part in this training.</pre> </div> 2024-08-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Community Service For Indonesian Society