Journal of Elementary School Education <p>Journal of Elementary School Education is a journal that publishes scientific work or based on literature research that focuses on educational topics, but we also accept non-educational topics, to support and care for scientists who have struggled in the process of writing scientific papers. We look forward to the best writings from various countries which will be published in the Journal of Elementary School Education.</p> Berpusi Publishing en-US Journal of Elementary School Education Management of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving The Quality of Learning at Widoro State Primary School <p><span class="s22">Management is an activity carried out together and through people and groups to achieve organizational goals. Improving the quality of education will be achieved if the teaching and learning process carried out in the classroom is truly effective and useful for achieving the expected knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Because basically, the teaching and learning process is the core of the overall educational process, among which the teacher is one of the important factors in determining the success of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The function of managing facilities and infrastructure is very fundamental in improving the quality of learning, creating a socio-emotional climate, and managing group processes, so that the success of teachers in creating enabling </span><span class="s22">conditions,</span><span class="s22"> and indicators of the teaching and learning process take place effectively. The study in this article provides an understanding to readers about the management of educational infrastructure, the educational infrastructure used by teachers in the learning process, and the management of the utilization of educational infrastructure in improving the quality of learning.</span></p> Samsul Hadi Ananda Afi Salsabila Esta Diana Mukti Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 Samsul Hadi, Ananda Afi Salsabila, Esta Diana Mukti Rahayu 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 221 226 School Literacy Program Against Merdeka Thinking to Strengthen The Humanistic Learning Process at The Elementary School Level <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="s27"> <div> <p class="s26">&nbsp;</p> </div> </td> <td class="s27"> <div> <p class="s29"><span class="s22">This research aims to 1) Eliminate the uniform clothing system for students, 2) Implement a humanist learning system. The method used is literature review with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and analysis of analyzed notes. The data taken are documents related to research. The research results show that learning is prioritized using a humanistic approach, but in reality there are still many learning processes that do not implement humanistic learning as a whole. For example, uniformity in clothing for students will ultimately kill students' potential, talents, interests, creativity and work results. The recommendation of this research is that a bottom-up curriculum model is worthy of being developed, so that educational components can strive for the overall curriculum components. However, an educator is a planner, implementer and perfectionist in a learning process. Because educators are the ones who best understand the conditions in the field from </span><span class="s22">Sabang</span><span class="s22"> to </span><span class="s22">Merauke</span><span class="s22">, therefore educators are the most competent in compiling a curriculum in the classroom or at school. So the researchers recommend that the school literacy program "independent thinking about local wisdom" be implemented at the elementary school education unit level</span><span class="s22">.</span></p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Ayatullah Muhammadin Sri Pamungkas Copyright (c) 2023 Ayatullah Muhammadin, Sri Pamungkas 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 227 232 The Effect of Training in Various Kinds of Active Bottom Drill Drills on Increasing Pasing Accuracy Down Onupper Class Boys Students of Primary School Perumnas Condongcatu <p class="s33"><span class="s19">This study aims to determine the effect of various types of active lower pass</span><span class="s19">drill drills on increasing the accuracy of the lower pass in the volleyball</span><span class="s19">game of upper class male students at SD Perumnas Condongcatur. This</span><span class="s19">research</span> <span class="s19">uses</span> <span class="s19">an</span> <span class="s19">experimental</span> <span class="s19">method,</span> <span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">research</span> <span class="s19">design</span> <span class="s19">is</span> <span class="s19">"Control</span><span class="s19">Groups Pretest-Posttest Design"</span><span class="s32">. Population</span><span class="s19">In this research, there were 24</span><span class="s19">male students from the upper class at SD Perumnas Condongcatur. The</span><span class="s19">sample</span> <span class="s19">taken</span> <span class="s19">from</span> <span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">total</span> <span class="s19">sampling</span> <span class="s19">results</span> <span class="s19">was</span> <span class="s19">24</span> <span class="s19">students.</span> <span class="s19">The</span><span class="s19">instrument used to test the accuracy of the lower fitting is the modified</span><span class="s19">Braddy Volley Ball Test.Data analysis uses the t test. The results of the</span><span class="s19">analysis show that: (1) There is a significant effect of practicing various</span><span class="s19">types</span> <span class="s19">of</span> <span class="s19">active</span> <span class="s19">bottom</span> <span class="s19">pass</span> <span class="s19">drill</span> <span class="s19">drills</span> <span class="s19">on</span> <span class="s19">increasing</span> <span class="s19">pass</span> <span class="s19">accuracy</span> <span class="s19">in</span><span class="s19">volleyball</span> <span class="s19">games</span> <span class="s19">for</span> <span class="s19">upper</span> <span class="s19">class</span> <span class="s19">male</span> <span class="s19">students</span> <span class="s19">at</span> <span class="s19">SD</span> <span class="s19">Perumnas</span><span class="s19">Condongcatur.,</span> <span class="s19">witht</span> <span class="s19">count5,409&gt;</span> <span class="s19">t</span> <span class="s19">table</span> <span class="s19">2.20,</span> <span class="s19">and</span> <span class="s19">a</span> <span class="s19">significance</span> <span class="s19">value</span> <span class="s19">of</span></p> <p class="s34"><span class="s19">0.000 &lt; 0.05, a percentage increase of 22.22%. (2) The experimental group</span><span class="s19">with various kinds of active lower fitting drill drills was better at increasing</span><span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">accuracy of</span> <span class="s19">lower</span> <span class="s19">fitting</span> <span class="s19">male</span> <span class="s19">students</span> <span class="s19">in the upper</span> <span class="s19">classes</span> <span class="s19">of</span> <span class="s19">SD</span><span class="s19">Perumnas</span> <span class="s19">Condongcatur than the</span> <span class="s19">control</span> <span class="s19">group, with t</span> <span class="s19">count2,902&gt;</span> <span class="s19">t</span> <span class="s19">table</span> <span class="s19">=</span></p> <p class="s36"><span class="s35">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span> <span class="s35">2.07 and</span> <span class="s35">sig. 0.008</span> <span class="s35">&lt; 0.05</span> <span class="s35">and</span> <span class="s35">the</span> <span class="s35">average</span> <span class="s35">difference</span> <span class="s35">is</span> <span class="s35">3.6667.</span></p> Budi Dermawan Copyright (c) 2023 Budi Dermawan 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 233 239 Implementation of Character Education in Implementing Students' Social Attitudes Through Subject Subjects Social Sciences at Mulia IT Elementary School <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of character education in instilling students' social attitudes through social studies subjects at SD IT Mulia. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach, the data source is the result of interviews conducted by the author with the principal, class teachers and students at SD IT Mulia after conducting observations in the school environment. The data results are then analyzed and matched with supporting literature studies to be described in words. Based on the research results, it is known that the implementation of character education at SD IT Mulia has been carried out well. Application is not only carried out in learning within the school environment but also within the community. In its implementation, the role and cooperation between teachers and parents of students is important so that the efforts that have been made are realized.</p> Siti Fatihah Azzahra Azhara Nurul Taqwani Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Fatihah Azzahra, Azhara Nurul Taqwani 2024-01-20 2024-01-20 240 243 The Problematic of Low Class Students' Low Interest in Reading <p>This research aims to describe a literature review regarding the problem of low interest in reading among lower grade students . This research is a literature review. Data collection techniques were taken from various published articles and journals, both accredited and non-accredited. From the articles and journals that became references, there were 10 articles and journals that matched the title of the research. digital literacy needs to be considered in increasing interest read elementary school students. In the second journal, based on results study is known that in an effort to increase elementary school students' interest in reading, students should be given support so that the interest in reading emerges from themselves and introduced to reading materials so that students get used to reading, therefore the reading habits of students when they are in elementary school will foster a stronger interest in reading. high until the students grow up The articles used as reference material were published in 2014-2023. the Problem of Low Interest in Reading in Lower Class Students. Published articles and journals, both accredited and non-accredited, from the articles and journals that are references, there are 10 articles and journals that match the title of the research.Based on results study is known that low interest read because many factors and problems that occur with students class low.</p> Fahira Sinaga Nabila Ananda Copyright (c) 2023 Fahira Sinaga, Nabila Ananda 2024-01-20 2024-01-20 244 247 Motivational Dynamics in Education: Exploring Current Learning Theories <p>This article explains the dynamics of motivation in education with an emphasis on contemporary learning theories. Motivation is identified as the main psychological factor that influences the learning process. This article also discusses contemporary educational theories, such as constructivism, connectivism, self-determination theory (SDT), and social cognitive theory. This research uses a literature study methodology to analyze concepts and determine their implications for student motivation in an educational context. Research findings show that SDT theory prioritizes autonomy, social competence, and interpersonal relationships as key components for increasing student motivation. In education, Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes observation and modelling, while Constructivism advocates active learning and the relevance of material to students' daily lives. Especially in the digital era, connectivism emphasizes the importance of information networks and collaboration in education. Integrating key aspects of these theories can provide a foundation for responsive and holistic learning strategies, creating learning environments that are stimulating, relevant, and motivating for students across the educational spectrum.</p> Muhammad Nurhidayat Warih Handayaningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Nurhidayat, Warih Handayaningrum 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 247 253