Health Services for Prisoners With Tuberculosis in a Class II B Community Institution, Sintang


  • Andar Jimmy Pintabar Program Study Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Pascasarjana UNPAB, Indonesia
  • Fitri Rafianti
  • Yasmirah Mandasari Saragih


Prisoners, Institutions Corrections, Tuberculosis


Institution correctional is something running agency function Coaching to prisoners involved case law. Service health with in Institution society is wrong one mandatory rights given to prisoner during they serving his sentence. Institution correctional alone inside it there is prisoner with diversity background enough backheterogeneous, so risk to transmission disease is felt enough big. Service health within institution correctional have very role big in guard health prisoners, esp for those who suffer disease infectious like Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is Wrong One disease infection still contagious become problems in Indonesia. On study previous is known that prevalence disease Tuberculosis in Institutions Correctional Enough tall compared to with prevalence Tuberculosis that occurs in society. This study lift about service health for prisoner sufferer Tuberculosis in Institutions Correctional Class II B Sintang. This study aim for know How service health provided by Institution Correctional Class II B Sintang to prisoner sufferer tuberculosis . Results from this study show that service health in the Institution Correctional Class II B Sintang walk and coordinated with very ok, I see also control and management disease infection Tuberculosis. Factors like density population, limitations source power as well as lack of awareness prisoner, is obstacles faced and can influence quality service health in the environment institution correctional.




How to Cite

Andar Jimmy Pintabar, Fitri Rafianti, & Yasmirah Mandasari Saragih. (2024). Health Services for Prisoners With Tuberculosis in a Class II B Community Institution, Sintang. Proceedings : International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities, 1(2), 136–141. Retrieved from