Narcotics Crime As a Transnational Crime
Narcotics, Crime TransnationalAbstract
Act criminal narcotics is something crime transnational which is something form crime cross limit country. This matter cause development crime narcotics occurring in countries in this world need for eradicated in a way finished. Crime Narcotics is organized crime, work very neat, and full confidentiality. Crime narcotics this become reason appearance problem health And violence. Which is terrible Again crime narcotics has collaborate with crime other like terrorism. This matter Also can bother stability security country. Market big narcotics and profitable in Indonesia cause syndicate international, incl from Malaysia, did various effort for smuggle narcotics to Indonesia. Various methods are taken by smugglers for enter goods illegal the to Indonesia via network transnational. Smuggling narcotics the more enterprising done by syndicate international with traverse regions in Indonesia directly border with a number of country neighbors, like region Riau Islands and region west Kalimantan Province as well border direct with Malaysia. BNN data shows moment this syndicate from Malaysia, Taiwan, China is the most intense smuggle narcotics to Indonesia. Track sea is most frequent path used. That matter showing that moment this is a circulation trend narcotics has involve between country where including to in transnational organized crime or crime transnational organized. This matter caused because trading narcotics the traverse limit region something country, so obscure boundaries something region.
Act Criminal Narcotics As Transnational Organized Crime, Journal of Indonesian Legal Development, vol.1 , no.3, 2019
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