Relationship between Age and Histopathological Type and Grade of Cervical Cancer Incidence
Cervical cancer grade, histopathological type , cervical cancer, ageAbstract
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common gynecologic cancer worldwide, mostly caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV infects squamous epithelial cells at the squamocolumnar junction in young women, where many lesions can disappear within 6-12 months thanks to the immune system. However, some lesions can persist and develop into cancer, especially squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. As age increases, the decline in the immune system worsens the prognosis, and the type and grade of histopathology detected tend to be more severe in old age. Methods: This study was an observational analytic with a retrospective approach with a cross- sectional study design. Data were obtained from medical records of cervical cancer patients for age categories. Then, 26 histopathological slides of cervical cancer patients were observed under a microscope to see the type and grade of histopathology of cervical cancer. Results: Based on age with histopathological type, adenocarcinoma was found in <50 years of age 9 samples and squamous cell carcinoma in> 50 years of age 12 samples. In age with histopathological grade, mild-moderate grade occurs in <50 years or >50 years with 18 samples and severe grade occurs in >50 years with 6 samples. The results of the Fisher Exact Chi-square test obtained p = 0.003 and p = 0.395. Conclusion: There is a relationship between age and histopathology and there is no relationship between age and histopathological grade of cervical cancer patients.
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