Publication Ethics
- Manuscripts present complete and original information and objective data.
- The sources of citations and references cited in the manuscript must be informed.
- Manuscripts are written concisely and clearly for efficiency.
- The manuscript, at the same time, was not submitted to and has not been published by any other journal.
- Everyone involved in the research (student & supervisor) must be included in the writing team.
- A deceased author must be included as a co-author.
- Authors must avoid falsification (fabricate data and research results).
- Authors should avoid falsification (manipulating research materials, equipment, processes, altering data or intentionally discarding data or results).
- Authors must avoid plagiarism (taking ideas, processes, results or words without citing the source).
- The author must avoid Fragmentation (break the research data into different themes of the manuscript so that the discussion does not become in-depth)
- Manuscripts may not use material copied from other articles without permission.
All materials/citations obtained from previous research, involving similar authors related to previous publications must be properly cited.