The Influence of Mayangmolfoy's Make-up Tutorial on Netizens' Abilities in Applying Make-up
Makeup Tutorial, Mayangmolfoy, Netizens, Skills Make Up FaceAbstract
The influence of makeup tutorials created by Mayangmolfoy to ability make up face among netizens. This study use method review literature (literature review) with analyze various source like article scientific, videos and comments users on social media platforms. Data is collected from results study relevant previous as well as observation to interaction netizens on social media. Results of the study show that Mayangmolfoy makeup tutorial content give contribution significant in increase ability technical make up face, such as use product, selection colors, and blending techniques. In addition that, the presence of this tutorial also increases the sense of confidence self netizens in experimenting with makeup. However, some The study also highlighted that standard beauty on display in the tutorial can influence perception self negative for part user. Study This conclude that Mayangmolfoy makeup tutorial own impact positive to learning skills make up face, but need balanced with education about reception self and diversity standard beauty. This study recommend study more carry on about impact psychological and social from makeup tutorial content on social media.
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