Comparison of Solar Panel Usage with Conventional Electricity in Factories


  • Diva Nayaka Siswadi Geography Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Meilinda Suriani Harefa
  • Syukri Hidayat
  • Nazlia Fahira
  • Aisyah Nur Aini
  • Mutia Alya Surianto


Solar Panels, Conventional Electricity, Energy efficiency


This study aims to compare the use of solar panels with conventional electricity in a factory environment with a focus on energy efficiency, operational costs, and environmental impacts. This study uses a quantitative method by conducting interviews with energy experts from Solar Jaya Energi (SJE). The data collected was analyzed to find the advantages and disadvantages of each system. The results of this study indicate that the use of solar panels has significant advantages compared to conventional electricity. This is because solar panels utilize sunlight, which is a renewable energy source that will not run out as long as the sun shines. This, solar panels are a more environmentally friendly solution than conventional electricity sources. Although the initial installation costs of solar panels are relatively high, in terms of maintenance, this technology is very economical and efficient. The series of benefits of using solar panels as an alternative energy source contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of electricity management in factories.


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How to Cite

Siswadi, D. N., Harefa, M. S., Hidayat, S., Fahira, N., Aini, A. N., & Surianto, M. A. (2024). Comparison of Solar Panel Usage with Conventional Electricity in Factories. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 2(3), 21–27. Retrieved from