Getting to Know Speech to Sharpen Speaking Skills and Train Self-Confidence in Students of History Education at STKIP PGRI Pacitan


  • Samsul Hadi English Language Education Study Program STKIP PGRI Pacitan
  • Heru Arif Pianto


Speech, speaking skills, self -confidence, historical education students


In this globalization era, as a student, especially the STKIP PGRI Pacitan History Education Study Program students, faced with demands to have confidence and good speaking skills. This is based on the fact that in the learning process and their profession in the future is faced with conditions that require them to speak in front of the general public. The conditions they will face for example such as teaching, speech, MC, presentation and even filling seminars. This of course requires a learning and routine training to face these conditions. One way that students can apply is by learning or knowing Speech to hone the skill of speaking and practice self -confidence. Speech is the art of speaking in public that aims to convey information, ideas or invitations to the audience. At Speech students are invited to get to know what Speech is, the structure of speech or speech, types of speeches, tips for compiling speeches, the benefits of giving speeches, tips on practicing the ability of speech for students of history education, basic speech techniques, and recognizing effective speaking techniques in terms of articulation, intonation, body language and visual use. This article aims to introduce or provide information about Speech to help hone speaking skills and confidence in historical education students. This shows that knowing Speech is able to help students to improve their speaking skills and confidence.


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How to Cite

Hadi, S., & Pianto, H. A. (2025). Getting to Know Speech to Sharpen Speaking Skills and Train Self-Confidence in Students of History Education at STKIP PGRI Pacitan. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 2(3), 62–69. Retrieved from