Legal Politics in Handling Election Criminal Cases


  • Robby Yusuf Syahputra Master of Laws Study Program, Panca Budi University of Development, Medan
  • Ismaidar Master of Laws Study Program, Panca Budi University of Development, Medan
  • Tamaulina Br Sembiring Master of Laws Study Program, Panca Budi University of Development, Medan


Legal Politics, Regulation, Election Crimes


The purpose of this study is to determine how legal politics in handling criminal acts of the Election. Where the reform of the system and Election in Indonesia is still felt to be carried out half-heartedly. In practice, handling criminal acts of the Election encounters obstacles, based on data from 2,798 alleged criminal violations of the Election that were registered, then only 380 decisions on criminal cases of the Election are inkracht. The research method uses the deductive reasoning method. Furthermore, the research data is interpreted using a systematic interpretation method, namely interpreting the meaning and then linking one legal norm with another norm that is considered to have a
relationship, namely between legal norms that are determined as the main or complementary materials. The results of this study, namely legal politics in handling criminal Elections, are an important factor in forming better Election regulations. In the future, a regulation is needed in the form of an Election Law that is formulated with certainty, clearly, is not open to multiple interpretations and treats all parties equally (impartial principle), then the regulation is needed to form professional, impartial, and independent law enforcers in carrying out the function of enforcing the Election law which is clearly regulated.


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How to Cite

Syahputra, R. Y., Ismaidar, & Sembiring , T. B. (2025). Legal Politics in Handling Election Criminal Cases. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 2(3), 57–61. Retrieved from