Analysis of The Use of Boardbook Learning Media Based on Contextual Methods in Civics Learning


  • Putri Nurjannah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara


Learning media, boardbook , PPKn learning


This research was motivated by the low interest in learning of students in Civics learning subjects due to the lack of variety and adequate learning media applied in the school. The type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The research was carried out on class III students at SDN 064965. The type of data used was primary data. Primary data is direct data obtained through observation and interviews with respondents. The data source in this research is the class III teacher at SDN 064965. The data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews and observation. This research aims to analyze the use of boardbook media based on contextual methods and analyze the problems of using boardbook media based on contextual methods. The results obtained are 1) The use of boardbook media is an effort by teachers to motivate students to learn. With various learning strategies in the form of randomly throwing questions, it makes students more active. So that the learning process becomes effective. 2) The obstacle that occurs in using boardbook media is that more study time is used, and the production of boardbook media is quite expensive so that the media is only owned by teachers.




How to Cite

Putri Nurjannah. (2024). Analysis of The Use of Boardbook Learning Media Based on Contextual Methods in Civics Learning. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 2(1), 70–74. Retrieved from