Strategies to Improve Interest in Learning Citizenship Education in Elementary Schools


  • Astri Nur Aulia Professional Teachers of the Republic of Indonesia


Strategy, Learning Interest, Civic Education, Elementary School


This study aiming for identify and analyze improvement strategies interest learning civic education (pkn) at school base through studies literature. High interest in learning to civics is very important for to form deep understanding about mark mark nationality and citizenship. This research use approach qualitative with method studies literature that studies various source relevant like journals, books and articles that discuss about learning strategies civics. Factors that influence interest learn, and practice best in school basis. Results of the analysis show that the strategy can increase interest study civics such as implementation method learning active, interesting use of media and technology, as well learning based on context that relates material with life daily students. In addition, the role of teachers as motivators and facilitators in create atmosphere fun learning is crucial. This research recommend importance innovation in teaching civics for create more learning interesting and relevant with life students. It is hoped that, with implementation of these strategies, ask study civics at school base can increasing and the goals of civic education can achieved optimally.




How to Cite

Nur Aulia, A. (2024). Strategies to Improve Interest in Learning Citizenship Education in Elementary Schools. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 126–129. Retrieved from


