Citizenship Education With a Tolerance Attitude in Elementary Schools


  • Amanda Aqhila Balqis Pulungan Prospective Professional Teachers


Attitude of tolerance, Role of teachers, Respect for differences, Character building


Civic Education (PKn) plays an important role in the formation of students' character in elementary schools, especially in building an attitude of tolerance. The attitude of tolerance is a crucial value in the life of a diverse nation and state such as in Indonesia, where differences in culture, religion, ethnicity, and race must be managed wisely in order to create social harmony. This study aims to analyze the implementation of Civic Education in building an attitude of tolerance in elementary schools. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation studies in several elementary schools. The results of the study show that well-designed Civics learning materials and activities can improve students' understanding of the importance of tolerance. Teachers have a very significant role in conveying these values through interactive learning methods, such as group discussions, case studies, and conflict simulations. In addition, a supportive school environment and parental involvement also play a role in strengthening attitudes of tolerance in students. With the proper implementation of Civics Education, attitudes of tolerance can be instilled early on in elementary school students, so that they are better prepared to live in a pluralistic society. This study suggests that civics material in elementary schools should emphasize more on aspects of tolerance and multiculturalism to create a generation that respects differences.




How to Cite

Pulungan, A. A. B. (2024). Citizenship Education With a Tolerance Attitude in Elementary Schools. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 154–157. Retrieved from


