Role Education Citizenship in Implanting Mark-Mark Pancasila and Norm Social in School Base


  • Adinda Sari Candidate Teacher Professional Republic Indonesia


Education citizenship, mark Pancasila, norm social, school base, formation character


Education Citizenship (Civics) play role crucial in to plant values Pancasila and norm social in circles student school base. This study aiming for explore how civics can contribute in formation character and behavior positive student. Method which used in study this is study literature or study literatureby means of reviewing by collecting library data, or research through various means source information literature, like book, journal scientific, newspaper, magazine. Results study show that implementation education citizenship in school base not only teach knowledge about Pancasila, but also facilitate students in understanding and apply these values in everyday life. Values such as mutual cooperation work together, tolerance, and justice become an integral part of students' social interactions, which has a positive impact to environment school and public. Pancasila as the basis of the state is not just a symbol, but alsoreflects the character and identity of the Indonesian nation which is rich in diversity. Therefore That, planting values Pancasila since early through education citizenship very much important for to form generation which own awareness will right and obligations as inhabitantcountry. This study conclude that education effective citizenship can form a young generation that is aware of their rights and obligations as inhabitant country, at a time strengthen cohesion social in public. By because that, requiredongoing efforts to improve the quality of the PKn curriculum and the competence of educators in convey this material.




How to Cite

Sari, A. (2024). Role Education Citizenship in Implanting Mark-Mark Pancasila and Norm Social in School Base. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 209–211. Retrieved from


