Application of VCT (Value Clarification Technology) Learning Method to Improve Students' Democratic Attitudes in PKn Learning in Elementary Schools


  • Cindi Khairani Br Purba Prospective Professional Teacher


Value Clarification Technique, democratic attitude, Civics learning, Elementary School, Citizenship Education


This research aims to examine the application of the Value Clarification Technique (VCT) learning method in improving students' democratic attitudes in Citizenship Education (PKn) learning in elementary schools. The VCT method, which focuses on clarifying values and making wise decisions, is expected to develop students' understanding and democratic attitudes. The specific objective is for students to be able to understand and carry out their rights and obligations politely, honestly and democratically and sincerely as educated and responsible Indonesian citizens. Civic education can be a means of realizing the formation of a democratic society through the instillation of attitudes, skills training and behavioral habits that begin in the school environment. This research uses the literature review method to evaluate the effects of implementing the Value Clarification Technique (VCT) learning method. The research results show that the application of the VCT method is effective in improving students' democratic attitudes, such as the ability to listen to other people's opinions, respect differences, and participate actively in group discussions. This research concludes that the VCT method can be a useful alternative in developing democratic character in elementary school students, especially in the context of Civics learning.




How to Cite

Br Purba, C. K. (2024). Application of VCT (Value Clarification Technology) Learning Method to Improve Students’ Democratic Attitudes in PKn Learning in Elementary Schools. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 339–343. Retrieved from


