The Use of Multimedia Media in Simulation Learning Models to Improve Motivation in Learning PKn in Elementary School


  • Meutia Salsabila Putri Ferdian Prospective Professional Teachers of the Republic of Indonesia


Multimedia Media, Simulation Learning Model, Civics Learning Motivation


Education plays a fundamental role in the development of a country, where teachers are the main subjects in the teaching process. In the current digital era, information and communication technology has a significant effect on the education sector, especially in increasing interactivity and collaboration in the learning process. This article aims to explore the use of interactive multimedia through a simulation learning model to improve student motivation and learning outcomes in the study of Citizenship Learning (PKN). Based on the literature, the use of interactive multimedia in a simulation model can produce a more concrete and in-depth learning experience, and support the variety of learning styles possessed by students. The findings of the study indicate that the use of interactive multimedia can increase learning motivation by creating an interesting and effective multisensory environment. In addition, the simulation model is also able to improve students' social skills, creativity, and courage in facing real situations. However, to achieve optimal results, the implementation of this technology must pay attention to the characteristics of the audience and the right learning needs. The selection of appropriate methods and media can accelerate the achievement of learning objectives and improve student learning achievement.




How to Cite

Ferdian, M. S. P. (2024). The Use of Multimedia Media in Simulation Learning Models to Improve Motivation in Learning PKn in Elementary School. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 408–411. Retrieved from


