Implementation Blended Learning for Strengthening Education Character Educational Learning Citizenship


  • Winda Nabila Sari Ritonga Prospective Professional Teachers of the Republic of Indonesia


Blended learning, learning, character education, education citizenship


Character education is an important aspect in developing the realm affective, especially for the next generation of the nation. This article aims to illustrates the implementation of blended learning to strengthen education character in learning civic education. Writing this article using a conceptual analysis approach that is described qualitatively. analysis conceptual which applied on study article this intended for produce a clearer and more meaningful picture construction. The results of the study literature analysis explains that character education can be strengthened through learning process, which in this case is through blended learning citizenship education. Student independence and discipline in blended learning is closely related to how students accustom themselves to be actively involved and be part of character strengthening. Intensity Students who participate in blended learning activities are also influenced by honesty factor, not quite enough answer, caring, and communication that each other honor one the same other in in process look at face to face online.




How to Cite

Ritonga, W. N. S. (2024). Implementation Blended Learning for Strengthening Education Character Educational Learning Citizenship. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 457–463. Retrieved from


