Progressivism In The Elementary School Curriculum: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Unga Utami Yogyakarta State University
  • Unga Utari Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Progressivism, Curriculum, Elementary School


Progressivism is one of the schools of modern educational philosophy which is based on changes in the implementation of education for the better. Progressivism requires the basics of education that are meaningful for every student. The  of progressivism refers to the implementation of education that is carried out by involving an active and centered role for students. The  of progressivism that sided with students became one of the philosophical foundations in the development of the education curriculum in Indonesia, including education at the elementary school level. Curriculum changes took place in 2013 following the direction and policies of the government. This curriculum was introduced with the term "curriculum 2013 or K-13". The 2013 curriculum and progressivism  conform to concepts and goals for the progress of education in Indonesia. The 2013 curriculum and the  of progressivism serve as guidelines in implementing education that is oriented towards the potential and experience of students, especially students in elementary schools. Elementary school education is the main education in shaping the personality development of students to become quality students and born as a generation who will answer every challenge of the new civilization era to have a prosperous life in realizing the goals of Indonesia's national education


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How to Cite

Unga Utami, & Unga Utari. (2023). Progressivism In The Elementary School Curriculum: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of General Education Science, 1(2), 48–56. Retrieved from