A Study of PKn Teachers' Efforts in Developing Students' Moral Intelligence


  • Yara Ummi Amiroh




Moral Intelligence, Citizenship Education, Teacher's Role


It is important to pay attention to the morality of students, because it will determine their fate and future as well as the survival of the Indonesian nation in general. Moral strength is needed by students to maintain their manners in the face of moral decay that often occurs in this world. By increasing moral intelligence, it is hoped that students will not only think correctly but also act correctly and form strong characters. The problem formulation in this research is as follows: (1) What is the state of students' moral intelligence?, (2) What activity materials are provided by Civics teachers in implementing classroom learning to develop students' moral intelligence? (3) What is the methodology used by Civics teachers in the classroom in Civics learning to develop students' moral intelligence?, (4) What obstacles do Civics teachers face in developing students' moral intelligence?, (5) What are the efforts of Civics teachers to overcome obstacles in efforts to develop students' moral intelligence? The approach used in this research is qualitative, while the method used is analytical descriptive. research subjects are Civics teachers, Counseling Guidance (BK) teachers. The research results obtained are as follows: Civics teachers have an important role in efforts to develop students' moral intelligence which is carried out using various aspects, namely: (1) Material, namely by including aspects of moral formation into lesson plans and linking learning material by inserting examples of attitudes from the seven intelligences. moral, (2) approach, through implementing strict rules and giving educative or educational punishments, monitoring students, providing motivation, and providing examples of good behavior to students, (3) methods applied by Civics teachers in developing students' intelligence namely group discussions, questions and answers, sharing between teachers and students which can encourage students to apply the characteristics of moral intelligence. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the role of Civics teachers in developing students' moral intelligence is quite good, but not yet optimal due to the lack of cooperation between the school community and the students' parents. The suggestions that researchers can convey are collaboration between Civics teachers, other subject teachers, BK, parents and related parties outside the school, should further improve coordination and cooperation so that good communication can be established in an effort to develop students'
moral intelligence intensively and maximum.




How to Cite

Yara Ummi Amiroh. (2024). A Study of PKn Teachers’ Efforts in Developing Students’ Moral Intelligence. International Journal of Students Education, 2(1), 384–388. https://doi.org/10.62966/ijose.v2i1.675


