Effort Development Character Student Through Learning PKn in Elementary Schools in the Era of Globalization


  • Elvira Wandasari




Citizenship Education, Student Character and Globalization


This research is based on the fact that demoralization has become so acute, school education so far can be said to have failed in terms of character. Schools are too fascinated with academic targets, and forget about character education. This research aims to determine various types of efforts to shape the responsible character of students. It is hoped that the results of this research will be useful in making readers aware of the importance of character education for students in facing globalization. This research uses a systematic literature review method obtained from various sources such as books and articles related to the material to be discussed. The literature study in this research was carried out by the author through the process of reading, concluding, then processing and developing the data obtained as material for the research carried out. The results show that Civics learning is very influential in developing students' responsible character. Because Civics learning gives more attention to students in the area of character. It can be seen from the comparison of students' characters before and after civics learning, that is, before learning, students lacked responsibility. However, after Civics learning was integrated, there were changes in the character of students' responsibilities. The character of responsibility possessed by students in this era of globalization is very good, students in School The basics were initially more or less affected by negative impacts brought by the flow of globalization, but after the character development process, student responsibility is integrated into learning, especially There have been very significant changes in citizenship education. solutions developed n in development efforts the responsible character of students is focused on developing more innovative media, methods and learning models.




How to Cite

Elvira Wandasari. (2024). Effort Development Character Student Through Learning PKn in Elementary Schools in the Era of Globalization. International Journal of Students Education, 2(1), 447–455. https://doi.org/10.62966/ijose.v2i1.689


