The Role of the School Environment in Developing Citizenship Responsibility Among Elementary School Students


  • Iqrima Auliani Faculty of Teaching and Educational Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara


School Roles, Responsibilities, Elementary School


Education is one way to instill morals in students through civic education learning. Citizenship education has an important role in fostering responsibility among elementary school students. The importance of learning citizenship education in elementary schools in fostering responsibility for students through instilling positive values based on the values contained in Pancasila. This research uses a literature review method. This research aims to find out how important the role of schools is in fostering civic responsibility among elementary schools. This citizenship education must continue to exist in order to create and foster a sense of responsibility in national and state life for the progress of the nation and the next generation. The purpose is can achieved with good if role environment school can grow not quite enough answer at school. This is because of every child own different understanding and knowledge, some are fast understand and some are slow, so the role of teachers is very important for balancing the condition.Therefore, citizenship education has a very positive impact on efforts to instill morals in students to behave as good citizens.




How to Cite

Auliani, I. (2025). The Role of the School Environment in Developing Citizenship Responsibility Among Elementary School Students. International Journal of Students Education, 3(1), 519–521. Retrieved from


