Author Guidelines

Papers must be in good English and grammatically correct, and if your article is not understandable, it will be rejected. If English is not your native language, you should seek help from English Editing or a professional translator.


Manuscripts must be uploaded to the Journal of General Education Science system and compiled in the standard format of the Journal of General Education Science, Title, Author, Address and Email, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. Typed on one side of A4 size white paper, in one column, one space, Baskerville Old Face font 11 points and must be line numbered. The top margin is 3 cm, bottom left and right 2.5 cm. Maximum paper length is 15 pages.


Title is in as few words as possible, accurately describe the content (maximum 10 words, Century Schoolbook 14, not abbreviations)


The manuscript has the main author and co-authors with the full names of the authors and co-authors (without abbreviations), clearly stating the address (es) and email address.


The abstract should be informative and fully self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, proposed approach or solution, and indicate the main findings and conclusions. Abstract must be 100 to 200 words. Abstracts must be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature should be used and, abbreviations should be avoided. There is no literature to cite.


Keywords should avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts. Do not use words or terms in the title as keywords. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes. Keywords should be no more than 5 words or phrases in alphabetical order.


The introduction should provide a clear background, a clear statement of the problem, relevant literature on the subject, the proposed approach or solution, and the new value of the research that constitutes an innovation. This should be understandable by colleagues from various disciplines. Introduction should be written in 600 to 1000 words


Explaining the chronology of research, including research design, research procedures (in the form of algorithms, Pseudocode or others), testing methods and data acquisition [1], [2]. The description of the course of the research must be supported by references, so that the explanation can be scientifically accepted [3], [4]. The Theory section should expand, not repeat, the background of the articles discussed in the Introduction and lay the groundwork for further work. The Calculations section is a practical development of the theoretical basis. Materials and methods should be written in 400 to 600 words.

Results and Discussion

The results of the research are explained and at the same time a comprehensive discussion is given. The results can be presented in the form of images, graphs, tables and others that make it easy for readers to understand [2], [5]. The discussion can be carried out in several sub-chapters. The unit of measure used must follow the applicable international system. All figures and tables are placed separately at the end of the manuscript page and must be active and editable by the editor.


Conclusions should be clearly explained. Suggestions placed after the conclusion contain recommendations for research conducted or input that can be used directly by consumers. Conclusions and suggestions should be written in 70 to 150 words.


The main references are national and international journals or proceedings. All references must be to the most relevant and up-to-date sources. References are written in APA style. References should always be provided with sufficient detail for the reader to find the cited work (see below for format). Note that your paper runs the risk of being rejected if it has too few fewer than (10) references.