Focus and Scope

Journal of Elementary School Education facilitates the dissemination of ideas, thoughts, innovations, and discoveries in the field of elementary school teacher education for national and international researchers and practitioners. Journal of Elementary School Education accepts and publishes the results of educational research that focuses on learning innovation and its implications for formal, informal, and non-formal education in all basic education. This journal involves the scope of this research discipline:

1. Thematic Learning
2. Local content
3. Character building
4. Science
5. Social Sciences, Mathematics
6. Civic education
7. Indonesian language
8. English
9. linguistics
10. Cultural Arts and Crafts
11. Character building
12. Curriculum
13. Education Evaluation
14. Pedagogical
15. Learning Innovation
16. Developmental psychology
17. Inclusive education
18. Education Management
19. Guidance and counseling
(Educational technology from various types of research such as Classroom Action Research, Survey Research, Research and Development, Descriptive Research, Experimental Research, and Research that has an impact on science Etc.)